Mission Statement
The Jefferson County Chamber of Commerce is a For-Purpose organization that promotes profitable and vital growth for its business members through dedicated collaboration, networking, marketing, membership events, and education.

Vision Statement
To build a vibrant, prosperous community by engaging, supporting, and promoting members.
Annual Banquets
Your Chamber is host to several banquets each year. New and expanded businesses in Jefferson County are recognized at our Annual Chamber Celebration Banquet. In the fall, your Chamber recognizes the unsung heroes of your community. Law enforcement, firefighters, emergency medical services, and dispatchers are recognized at our Public Service Recognition Banquet. All banquets are open to the public and offer opportunities for networking, good food, and good fellowship.

Membership Meetings, Mixers, and Seminars
Your Chamber will host several Monthly Membership Meetings each year, providing excellent opportunities for networking. You can exchange business cards; sit beside a different person each month; introduce yourself to the group; and say a few words about your business; while enjoying a delicious lunch at a reasonable cost. Chamber Mixers are generally held the second Tuesday of each month; with a business as host, usually at their business location. Both of these are great networking opportunities to promote your business in the community. View our online calendar to register to attend one of these great events or host a mixer!
The Chamber partners with Blue Ridge Community and Technical College (BRCTC) and hosts quarterly Chamber Business Seminars annually. The Chamber polls its membership annually to see what topics the membership is most interested in attending, (i.e. communication, leadership, email etiquette, iOS tips and tricks). BRCTC provides a speaker / instructor to run the program and educate our members in order to help them be the best business leaders they can be.
Your Chamber encourages businesses to sponsor Chamber events to help promote your business within the community.
Chamber members are invited to promote their special activities in the list of events on the Chamber’s member web calendar. Annual sponsors will have the opportunity to promote their businesses on many different levels. Our email list is distributed to approximately 1000+ community members. Additionally, Chamber members can advertise in an email blast at a very reasonable advertising cost.
For businesses that conduct exporting and importing business, the Chamber can facilitate your “Certificate of Origin” by stamping your documents with an embossed Chamber seal. This service is only available with membership. We also offer "Notary Services" at no cost to our members.
The Chamber is pleased to participate in Grand Openings & Ribbon Cuttings for any new business or expansion of a current business. We provide ribbon, scissors, publicity (as available) and community contacts for these events.
Job Posts on our website for active chamber members. Members may submit job postings through their "Info Hub".
“The Health Plan” offers Chamber Members a special health plan for small businesses with 1-99 employees. For more information contact Chamber Member Wes Weigle for quotes on insurance health plan. Wes Weigle, Weigle Insurance Agency 304-876-8357 or wes@weigleinsurance.com.
“Preventive Care Management Program“ offers Chamber Members supplemental insurance.

Mountain Heritage Arts and Crafts Festival
Your Chamber sponsors the Mountain Heritage Arts and Crafts Festival the last full weekend in September (including a Friday, Saturday, and Sunday). The success of the festival has helped us to keep a reasonable cost for membership, while still providing many benefits. Members also have an opportunity to “sponsor” the festival, as well as have the opportunity to advertise in the program for the festivals. Chamber members are also issued free passes!
Partnership with Jefferson County School District
The Jefferson County Chamber of Commerce cherishes its partnership with the Jefferson County School District and the Board of Education. We have worked collaboratively to identify opportunities for Jefferson County students to interact with business leaders and Chamber members in an effort to provide them an education they cannot get in the classroom environment. It is our collective desire to continue to nurture this relationship and create more opportunities for students in our community. Below is a list of a few events the Chamber is proud to offer with an eye toward a continued commitment to education and our county.
- The Spark J-Co Leadership Unplugged teaches Leadership Skills to approximately 100 students from Jefferson & Washington High Schools. This is another opportunity to network by spending a portion of a day with students and others in the business community. Businesses also have an opportunity to “sponsor” this program as well.
- From the Spark J-Co Leadership Unplugged (formerly the High School Business Symposium), the annual Job Shadowing program was born. This program affords students an opportunity to shadow a Chamber member at their place of business so they can experience a realistic view of the workplace.
- The Chamber’s members partner with the middle schools and the WV State Treasurer, with the financial education program, “Get A Life!“
- In August, the new educators in Jefferson County Schools are recognized at the New Teacher’s Breakfast in their honor.
The Jefferson County Chamber Brochure is sponsored by your Chamber, and sponsored by chamber members only. The brochure is re-vamped and updated on a 12-18 month cycle.
Our members can display their business cards and rack cards at the chamber office for walk-in traffic to pick up and we also send out weekly tourism and relocation packets and we include our membership information that would apply to specific requests.

Leadership Jefferson
Leadership Jefferson is referred to as a “Master’s Degree” in Jefferson County. The primary goal of Leadership Jefferson is to educate current and future community leaders about Jefferson County’s assets, opportunities, and hurdles, in order to strengthen the sense of community and ensure a prosperous future. During the 10-month program beginning each year in September, participants develop leadership skills and hone their leadership abilities through monthly training sessions. Please visit the website at the top of our home page for more information. This is another opportunity for businesses to be a “sponsor”, there are 10 modules each year available to businesses for sponsorship. More info Here!

Women’s Network
Women’s Network is a partnership between your Chamber and the Martinsburg & Berkeley County Chamber of Commerce. The Women’s Network has workshops quarterly; please visit the website at the top of our home page for more information. More info here!
Membership Dues
Membership dues are calculated based on the number of employees the business has and is collected annually. The membership year runs from the month joined to the same month the following year. Jefferson County has one of the lowest and most affordable membership dues in the tri-state area.
As the “front door” to your Community, your Chamber welcomes newcomers, visitors, and all others making inquiries of your community. These are only some of the many reasons you should join your fellow community members and become a member of the best Chamber around!